Willette Battle

Willette Battle is an artist who has earned dual-degrees, a B.A. in Studio Art and a B.S. in Computer Science with a Business Emphasis, from Albany State University in Albany, Georgia. She also was granted a full-scholarship to attend Howard University in Washington, DC earning a M.F.A. in Painting with an Electronic Studio Emphasis.
Willette Battle is a highly-trained, award-winning, and experienced artist of many talents, chief among them the ability to translate experiences from her life into visuals which transform those personal stories into something universal. Dealing in themes of community, Afrocentrism, and inner strength, Willette almost exclusively conveys her ideas with a vibrant color palette and a freeing sense of play. Don’t be deceived by the comforting and childlike nature of her images or materials though; this is an artist dealing in difficult, often dark subject matter by handling personal and shared struggles with the kid gloves of vivid hues, fun papier-mâché, and an overwhelming desire to wash over life’s darkest moments with a fresh coat of blindingly colorful paint.
As an avant garde fashion designer who has designed collections using men’s neckties and synthetic hair, she has showcased her work as a headlining designer during multiple fashion weeks in Alabama, Georgia, and New York, in which she has received honors for her designs. Branching out to produce her own shows in California and Birmingham (annually) enabled her to support the skills and talents of others with similar vision and passion for this artistic expression.
When not in the studio, producing or participating in fashion shows, she is out in her community volunteering on other projects, serving as a community leader, or lending support in whatever means she is able.
Willette Battle is a creative whose workspace and gallery, Willette’s Prism, is located at Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment Studio #309 in Huntsville, Alabama. To find Willette Battle’s third floor studio, simply look for the space stacked deep with dozens and dozens of exciting paintings, clever sculptures, hand-made jewelry, and tall mannequins draped in elegant, form-fitting neck-tie dresses! You can view her studio at http://www.lowemill.net/portfolio-item/willette-battle-mixed-media-studio-309/ . You can contact her at willettebattle@aol.com, or Instagram at Fit2BTiedCouture, or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Fit2BTiedCouture/